Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cats make kittens make cats make kittens...

According to 2011 statistics from the Humane Society of the U.S., every eight seconds a dog or cat is killed in a shelter in the United States. This means that four million potentially adoptable animals die each year because there are not enough responsible adopters and homes available. Many of the innocents that will be destroyed are not just unfortunate abandoned and unsterilized strays left to endlessly reproduce but the off-spring of beloved companion animals of families who didn’t have them spayed or neutered; the excuses are many and the majority hard to defend.

This year the much dreaded kitten season was late because of the unpredictable weather and hopes were high that it was an indication that the number of kittens born would be far fewer. Unfortunately, the weather cycle more or less righted itself, and with warmer temperatures, the heat cycles of female cats also normalized. The temperate conditions have resulted in the time worn problem of too many kittens coming into a world already overcrowded with cats. Needless to say, it is not a happy time. Cats give birth, flooding already strained animal shelters across the nation with countless litters.

The number of cats that can be born during this period is staggering and they add to the already existing vast number of cats who will end up in animal shelters where an appalling number will die. This is the just tip of the iceberg because the statistics do not take into account those that don't make it into shelters. Too many cats fight for survival on the streets, more often than not, dying young from injuries, disease and starvation.

"In every community in the nation, there is an over-abundance of unsterilized cats, both owned and un-owned, and a frenzy of mating takes place each year," states the Humane Society of the United States.

Tremendous as the problem of cat overpopulation is, it can be greatly reduced if each of us takes just one small step, starting with not allowing our own animals to breed. Our unaltered animals that are allowed to roam free or occasionally spend unattended time outside will predictably have the opportunity to mate. Driven by their hormones, they will look for any chance to find mates, eventually resulting in hundreds and even thousands of cats with few opportunities of getting a decent home.

It's not a happy time for shelter staff either. Many shelters are faced with limited space, time and resources. When adoptions are low and rescues limit the number they can reasonably re-home, they are forced to handle the onerous task of killing animals that could become wonderful and loving family members.

During kitten season, adult shelter cats are overlooked by potential adopters. They are the first to be endangered by the influx of lively and charming youngsters. When the shelter population grows too large for the facility, the disease and stress levels rise with it. The ability of a limited staff to adequately care for the large number of animals can result in outbreaks of disease, suffering and death of otherwise adoptable animals

The best way to help reduce the number of cats - and dogs- is by taking responsibility to make sure your "pet" does not contribute to the tragedy. Become a spay/neuter advocate and educate your friends and neighbors about the terrible problem.

Recommended solutions:

Spay or neuter your cats - Don't put this off!  Kittens as young as two months and weighing two pounds can be safely altered.

Care for homeless or wild cats in your area
Work with your local animal control or feral cat group to help limit your neighborhood's feral and stray cat population. Feral cat caretakers who Trap/Neuter/Release (TNR) are an important part of the solution.

Become a foster parent
Contact your local shelter or rescue group to learn more about becoming a foster parent for cats or kittens in need.

Open your home to new cat or adopt a playmate for your existing cat.

There are clinics and financial assistance programs in many areas to spay/neuter companion animals and feral cats:

Ohlone Humane Society  (510)792-4587
ForPaws S/N Clinic (510)573-4660
East Bay SPCA (510) 510-639-7387
Animal Birth Control Assistance (408) 244-8351
Tri-Valley SPCA  (925)479-9674


Tri-City Voice article by Nancy Lyon, President, Ohlone Humane Society.

Photo's courtesy of: www.dreamstime.com

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