Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Safety Tips For Your Companion Animal

Halloween is almost upon us! That means it's time to ensure your companion animals enjoy a stress-free holiday with the following precautions:

1. No tricks or treats! Keep all candy out of the reach of companion animals. Chocolate, in particular, is toxic and often fatal to dogs and cats. The sweetener xylitol, used in candies and gum, can also cause problems. If you suspect your companion animal has ingested some candy, don't hesitate—get prompt veterinarian assistance.

2. Costume with caution: as cute as they look, dressing up companion animals can cause them stress. If they're okay being dolled up, make sure the costumes are comfortable and pose no risk for injury. They should not impede movement, hearing or the ability to breathe easily. Masks should be avoided.

3. Decorations can be hazardous! Dangling decorations can be ingested or entangle the animal. Candle flames from jack o' lanterns can set fire to their fur. Wires and cords from electrical lights and appliances can cause burns and shock if chewed.

4. Watch the door! Make sure your companion animal can't dash outside when you open the door for trick or treat-ers.

5. Provide a safe and quiet place for your companion animal, well away from the bustle and strangeness of the holiday.

6. Leave your dog at home when trick or treating. They can be easily frightened, possibly resulting in flight or bite.

7. Make sure your companion animal is properly ID'd. Should he or she manage to escape, tags and/or a microchip can be a lifesaver.

A Happy and Safe Halloween to you and your whole family!