Wednesday, December 10, 2014

One for the Elephants!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at 2:30 am


Some good news on the circus elephant front! Just got home from the Oakland City Council meeting (5:30pm - 2:30am)--an overflow crowd.

The Council last night passed an ordinance banning the use of bullhooks and similar devices on circus elephants, following Los Angeles' lead. The final vote was 5:2 (AYES: Noel Gallo, Dan Kalb, Libby Schaaf, Pat Kernighan, Rebecca Kaplan. NOES: Larry Reid, Desley Brooks. ABSTAIN: Lynette Gibson McElhaney). 

The NO votes were sympathetic to animal welfare issues but were concerned about possible job and revenue loss, saying those issues were not properly vetted (and I agree with that assessment--they weren't). 

An amendment offered by Rebecca Kaplan was accepted, which I'm not crazy about, but may have been necessary to get the ordinance passed: The ban won't go into effect until September of 2017 (same as the Los Angeles ban).

Still, this is a major step forward (Stockton is considering a similar ordinance). Ideally, of course, ALL wild animal acts should be banned outright as many countries have already done: the United Kingdom, Greece, Israel, Colombia, Mexico City and others.  

So who's the REAL "Third World" here, insofar as animal welfare is concerned?

Some 180 people signed up to speak, mostly pro-ban folks but a sizable number of union workers and caterers--also concerned about the welfare of the elephants but more concerned about personal finances, I think. Plus a couple reps from Ringling Bros./Barnum & Bailey Circus with the usual denials about animal abuse, which has been repeatedly documented over the years.

Thanks to all who came and testified. Nice to win one for a change, hey? Please forward this good news accordingly.


Eric Mills, Coordinator

P.S. - Some notes of thanks to the council members seem in order, esp. Libby Schaaf (; and co-sponsors Noel Gallo (, and  Dan Kalb (

Eric Mills is Ohlone Humane Society's Director of Community Advocacy. He can be reached at:
   PO Box 20184
   Oakland, CA 94620
   (510) 652-5603

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The spookiest night of the year!

BOO! ... Did that startle you? Probably not, but if you’re the furry member of the family with dozens of kids laughing and milling about at your front door on All Hallows Eve, strange noises could have you more than a little ‘spooked.’

Some things are just going to be scary for them but there are ways to limit the stress for the timid, and avoid dangerous situations for the brave. By expecting the unexpected and using some basic precautions, you can make Halloween night as safe and comfortable as possible for them.

With opening doors and noisy strangers in all types of eerie apparel descending on them, some will panic and make a break for it. Having current identification on a flat collar (not a choker chain) with tags or a microchip implanted will greatly increase their chance of making it home safely. It will also allow the animal shelter to quickly contact you if they end up there.

Another solution is to give them some quiet time in a secure room away from scary trick-or-treaters.  It might be a temptation to some, dressing them up in costume to be with you when answering the door or while having guests over. But it can turn a night of fun into a nightmare. Your social “pet” can feel so threatened by it all or be moved to protect you, that a bite will put an end to the festivities.

Putting animals in costumes has never been one of my favorite things; most look uncomfortable or unhappy. However, statistics show that more than 50% of guardians choose a costume for their “pet” on Halloween. If you choose to dress them up, then make sure that it doesn’t expose them to hazards.

Comfort is the number one consideration: make sure the costume allows them to move freely with no mask that covers their eyes and ears, doesn’t have parts they can chew and choke on, or fastenings that interfere with their breathing. Know the signs of discomfort and take off the costume immediately. Flattened ears, rolling eyes or looking backwards for an escape route, a tucked tail or hunching over are sure signs they are not happy campers.

Keep all treats in high, preferably locked or securely fastened, places away from determined and resourceful critters. The lure of sweets seems universal and foods like chocolate, gum, raisins or treats containing xylitol as a sweetener can be seriously toxic and sometimes deadly. It’s very important that family youngsters understand why sharing treats with their fur-friends is not a good idea.

As All Hallows Night approaches, it’s important to bring your cat (especially black or white ones) and other vulnerable animals inside to a secure place and out of harm’s way. Most Halloween revelers would never hurt them but there are some who find tormenting animals amusing. To avoid the bad guys grabbing them for ritual purposes, safeguard your animals inside or confined away from public access for several days before and after Halloween. 

Remember that this special night belongs to a number of critters, not just humans. Nocturnal wild creatures such as raccoons, opossums, skunks, and foxes wake up and venture out for food, and Halloween is just another night to them. If you encounter a wildling, keep a safe distance between you. If you have your dog with you, make sure that she is on leash at all times. Respect the night time regulars and their space. Enjoy the special gift you’ve received and remember it’s their world too.

If you do suspect your animal friend has ingested something toxic, please call your veterinarian ASAP or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435. There is a fee.

REMEMBER: if your dog or cat runs away or disappears for any reason, don't wait! Contact your local animal shelter immediately and ask for advice in finding your friend. Waiting and hoping they will “show up” could cost them their lives.

Article by Nancy Lyon, President, Ohlone Humane Society

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Declawing your unkind cut

Your cat has taken to clawing your new carpet or drapes and you’re frustrated that she doesn’t seem to "get it"—that this is not acceptable behavior. Your friends have suggested a few solutions including having her declawed by your vet. No big deal right? You been told it’s just a simple removal of her claws and problem solved.

But not for your cat. It’s a cat’s basic nature to claw objects with their front paws. It’s believed that this is a way of marking their territory, relieving stress, and aiding in the removal of old and worn nail sheaths. It also is an instinctual way of exercising muscles used in hunting. While outdoor cats have an outlet for this inborn pattern using tree trucks and other natural surfaces, indoor cats tend to direct this strong natural impulse toward what is available…furniture, carpets, etc.

This can be frustrating to a guardian and may lead them to consider deterrents that can lead not only to other bad habits but cause suffering both physical and emotional trauma to their beloved companion and friend.

Before taking a step that will cause your feline friend excruciating pain and could well change her long-term behavior and forever end her trust in you, take time to understand what your decision means to her.

The procedure is often minimized as a “simple” process of removing her claws, while in reality the surgery involves the painful amputation of ten phalanxes at the last joint of each of her toes…equivalent to cutting off all your finger tips.  Removed are bones, nerve tissue, joint capsule, ligaments, and the extensor and flexor tendons. You are essentially removing part of her foot.

The aim of declawing, or onchyectomy, is to remove the entire nail bed and claw by amputation and the procedure is a permanent solution. Like any surgery, there are risks of anesthetization, excessive bleeding and postoperative complications, including infection, and is accompanied by severe pain that may last from several days to much longer unless appropriate analgesia is provided. Post-operative care and the length of time the cat must remain in the veterinary hospital depend on how the surgical procedure is performed and the skill of the surgical team.

Complications from surgery include: excruciating pain, damage to nerves that can cause lifetime distress, hemorrhage, chronic back and joint pain as shoulder, leg, and back muscles weaken. While some people may say “my cat wasn’t in pain,” the truth is that cats often do not show pain because it is a sign of weakness and vulnerability.

The trauma of declawing can have behavioral and psychological consequences. The suffering can change personalities: previously friendly and social cats can become withdrawn and fearful. Without their natural means of defense, cats can become so stressed that they exhibit aggression. Without their claws, they have no choice but to fall back on their only remaining means of defense, their teeth, and bite when faced with even minor upsets. The continuing stress can also challenge their immune system and lead to health problems.

Cats that have had this natural impulse taken away may stop using their litter box because of the pain associated with scratching in the litter after a declawing procedure. This means they will find a more comfortable place to go such as a soft blanket, carpet, etc.—an issue equal to or more challenging than the original scratching problem.

Statistics show that:
  • 50% of cats will come out of the operation with immediate medical or behavioral complications for 2-3 weeks, and 30% will have complications for the rest of their lives
  • 75% of the cats with litter box aversion and turned into shelters are declawed cats
  • 80% of declawed cats that are surrendered to shelters are euthanized because they have a behavioral problem
  • 70% of cats turned into shelters for behavioral problems are declawed 

Many cats surrendered to shelters are relinquished because of behavioral problems which developed after the cats were declawed, an action that may ultimately result in a cat deemed “unadoptable” and ending in euthanasia.

Laws in most European countries explicitly prohibit the practice. In Israel, declawing a cat can result in a fine equivalent to more than $20,000. Authorities in the U.K., Brazil, Japan, Turkey and Australia also discourage the practice.

Most animal welfare organizations, including Ohlone Humane Society, are strongly opposed to declawing cats for the convenience of their guardians. Although banned in some progressive U.S. cities, the practice still thrives in many areas.

The Bottom Line: Declawing is an unnecessary surgery which provides no medical benefit to the cat.

Learn how you can easily work with your feline family member to use their claws in a manner that allows everyone in the household to live together happily. Check out the following humane alternatives to declawing that protect your cat’s well-being and your property:

Tri-City Voice article by Nancy Lyon, President, Ohlone Humane Society.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Feeling the chill?

It's November and the recent cold snap is a heads up for what may be a colder than usual winter on the horizon. Whatever the months ahead, it's a reminder to protect your animal family members from the elements.

When the weather turns foul, here are the basics for keeping them comfortable and out of harm's way:

First of all, your cat, dog or other companion animal is just that—family members—and they suffer just as much as the rest of your family do from cold, wet and isolation. They are happiest spending time with you indoors, sharing the benefits and warmth of being part of the family circle.

Cold, forgotten and alone
There is nothing sadder than a lonely and cold "pet" who can only bark or scratch at the door trying to draw your attention to their plight if left in the backyard or unheated garage during freezing or rainy weather. In fact, if you think their lives must be an outside-only existence, don't even consider getting an animal.

If you are away at work and they need access to the outdoors, you should provide either a doggie door or a comfortable dry, draft-free shelter suitable to their size and species until your return.

Special needs
Senior and very young animals need special consideration in inclement weather. This is doubly important with oldies with creaky joints—who suffer when temperatures drop—and with short-coated critters. You might even consider a comfy sweater if they will tolerate it.

Our canine companions and other domesticated animals through their long association with humans no longer have the natural protections Mother Nature has provided for their wild cousins. Even with their furry coats, most no longer have the ability to tolerate severe weather and exposure. Soaking and chilling results not only in misery but presents risks to health and life.

Outside regulars
Free-roaming cats and some wild critters face other dangers when the weather turns foul and they seek sanctuary and warmth in what may seem unlikely places. One of those places may be the still warm engine of your car or even the tire well, and it can be disastrous to them and your car. Take a moment to bang on the hood or take a moment to look under it and scare them off, giving them a chance to leave before starting up the engine. Everyone benefits from this one.

What can you do if you see an animal without protection from the elements? First of all, don't be reluctant to speak out - it can save an animal from suffering and even death. Animal Services agencies see a marked increase in citizen complaints when weather conditions turn severe, most complaints deal with lack of water, food and adequate shelter from the cold and wet. While laws governing what falls within the acceptable definition of "adequate shelter" vary and are often too loosely interpreted, it's always best to contact your local animal services/control and ask for a well-check. Often it's a matter of educating people that animals left outside are at risk of hypothermia, illness and even death. It doesn't hurt when regulatory agencies mention the risk of criminal charges for non-compliance. Remember to request a follow up report.

For more detailed information on protections for your animal family and wildlife during cold and wet weather, connect with the following Internet websites:

Protect Your Pet During Winter and Cold Weather

How to Care for Outdoor Cats in Winter

Fall into Winter: Help Backyard Wildlife Prepare for Cold Weather

Tri-City Voice article by Nancy Lyon, President, Ohlone Humane Society

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The night of the Black Cat

In a short while, our homes will be besieged with goblins and ghosties, long-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night—but not to worry, it's just Halloween. A fun time for the kids and those of us who only pretend to be grown up.

However, All-Hallows-Eve does have a dark history. Long ago, this night celebrated festivities that were not so innocent. Dressing in costumes, lighting bonfires, going to parties, sharing ghost stories, and trick-or-treating all originated with the Celtic Druid Feast of Samhain. It was believed at the time that ancestral spirits might emerge and roam freely because walls between the living and the dead were at their thinnest. To nourish journeying ancestral souls, this pagan belief often involved ritual sacrifice of innocent animals.

These early pagan practices have long-lasting beliefs that persist even to this day with cruel and ignorant people placing animals in harm's way during their celebration of All-Hallows-Eve. As unlikely as it may seem, it's wise to err on the side of caution and keep members of your animal family—especially those with black fur—indoors for a few days on either side of Halloween when you are not with them.

That prospect is disturbing enough but there are other potential dangers your animal family faces on this night of celebration and you might want to consider them.

The frightening creatures at your doorstep are, for the most part, just candy-seeking pranksters having a good time. But this can mean little to the family dog who may see them as terrorizing invaders where her only choice is to stand and protect with perhaps serious results...or bolt and head down the road as fast as possible to face real danger.

For the safety of your non-human family members, keep them safely indoors away from direct contact with trick-or-treaters and other Halloween activities. Make sure all are wearing a well-fitting flat collar (not a choke chain) and tags with current contact information; if possible, they should be micro-chipped. Opening the door repeatedly for trick-or-treaters creates plenty of escape opportunities and a frightened animal's first response is usually flight. Proper identification can get them home faster and safely.

Having a sweet tooth is not exclusively a human weakness and the results of gobbling down chocolate, raisins and candy left temptingly within reach can be a very sick critter and a very big mess for you. Chocolate can be so toxic to dogs, cats, ferrets and birds that it might result in death. Hiding all candy is the safest choice but never underestimate the athletic prowess of a determined sweet-seeker so make doubly sure treats are securely out of reach.

This year has truly been the year of the black cat; for some reason, nature has seen fit to produce an unusually large number of black kittens. These beautiful and wonderful creatures need our protection not only from human abuse but in loving homes forever homes. Keep your resident black cat safe during Halloween and please consider adopting one of these fascinating felines from your local animal shelter.

Should your animal companion disappear on Halloween or anytime, contact your local animal shelter as soon as possible and ask for advice in finding your lost family member. Don't wait hoping they will "show up" as it could cost them their lives.

It might be unpopular advice but taking your dog, cat or other animal along when you go trick-or-treating is a really bad idea. For everyone's well-being, leave your companion animal home in a stress-free environment. Especially on a mystical night like Halloween, there is no way of predicting unexpected or terrifying incidents that can send even the most stable animal over the edge to react in an unpredictable manner. A painful bite or lost pet is a poor end to celebrations.

The Humane Society of the United States correctly states that "The only costume most pets want to wear is their own furry birthday suit." It may look like fun to you but unless they are used to wearing clothing, a costume or mask increases their risk of injury and stress. The feeling of confinement and restricted movement is unnatural to most animals and just being who they are is the best costume around.

And then there are the regular night dwellers out on Halloween—for raccoons, opossums, skunks and many other wild creatures, it is time to wake up and venture out for food. The night is their time and they should be respected and left in peace. The best advice is to keep a safe distance between you and any animal you do not know, including cats and dogs.

Tri-City Voice article by Nancy Lyon, President, Ohlone Humane Society

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Of bobcats, births and whistleblowers

Things have heated up early in the California state legislature. Animal and environmental protection bills addressing issues from cattle rustling to fracking are being hashed out in committee hearings as they progress through the lawmaking process.

One of the most heated bills is the "Bobcat Protection Act of 2013," authored by Assembly Member Richard Bloom. It addresses the growing concern over the increasing demand and price for bobcat fur, especially in foreign markets, and its impact on the bobcat population in California.

Supporters—animal and environmental protectionists—of Assembly Bill (AB) 1213 argue that the killing of California’s bobcats for their fur is simply an unacceptable matter of greed looking to profit from a burgeoning market for fur coats in Asia, Russia and Europe. Reportedly, a bobcat pelt is worth $300-$700 on the current market. About 1,800 California bobcats were legally killed by hunters and trappers during the last licensing year—about 1,500 of them by trappers.

Bobcats are a vital part in our eco-system; they help keep the balance of nature by devouring all kinds of rodents as part of their daily diet. A decrease in bobcat numbers could well result in a threat to public health in a time when there is increased concern over rodents carrying the deadly Hanta virus.

Assembly Bill 1213 was originally designed to be statewide but during committee debates, the bill’s reach was amended to the prohibition of trapping, exporting and selling of bobcat fur or product in the area surrounding Joshua National Park.

If AB 1213 is passed, it would direct California Department of Fish and Wildlife to complete a study of the number of bobcats in the state and develop estimates of how many bobcats can be trapped and killed while maintaining a viable population. If the state fails to complete and enact a management program for bobcats by July 1, 2015, the result would support its original mission of a statewide ban on the trapping of bobcats.


The animal nursery exhibit—aka live birthing exhibit—continues to be a subject of heated controversy at the California State Fair that runs from July 12-28 in Sacramento. Since the beginning of the exhibit several years ago, animal welfare advocates have come together to urge banning the practice that imprisons pregnant sows in steel-barred "farrowing crates" for three straight weeks, unable to turn around, barely able to move, and forced to give birth on a barren metal grid, further stressed by nightly fireworks and before milling crowds.

Under normal conditions, expectant pigs look for a quiet, secluded place to birth their young. The contrast between the fair exhibit and natural instincts is glaring condemnation of the practice.

Humane housing for a sow and her piglets (Photo: The PIGSAFE Project)
Compare this to the display at last’s year’s Alameda County Fair that featured a 10' x 20' enclosure, the sow in deep sawdust, with her piglets (born off-site) free to come and go at will through a slotted partition across one corner of the pen, drawn by the warmth of a heat lamp, with pigs and public seemly content.

In fact, it’s interesting to note that according to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, farrowing crates have been illegal since 1970 under California Penal Code 597t.

Many individuals and organizations—including OHS—have requested that this cruel exhibit be dropped, and when the State Fair Board meets for its yearly meeting on May 31, perhaps they will listen.

Administration Building
1600 Exposition Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95815


One of the most chilling pieces of California legislation that was dropped by its author but may resurface next year was AB 343 by Assembly Member Jim Patterson, a so-called "Ag Gag" bill. AB 343 was meant to punish people who document cruelty to animals by requiring that documenting materials must be given to law enforcement within 120 hours or face a fine.

According to the Humane Society of the United States, Ag Gag bills make it a crime to report animal cruelty inside a poultry warehouse, slaughterhouse, or on a cattle feedlot. They represent a wave of bills passed in state legislatures across the nation that have been put forth by the meat industry to criminalize the reporting of animal cruelty by anyone--journalists, activists, or whistleblowers. Their intent is to prohibit the release of videotapes or photographs that document what happens inside factory farms and meat processing facilities, often with the threat of jail time. The real goal of these laws is to intimidate and discourage a person’s resolve to make public any illegal behavior such as beating or torturing captive animals, often using the police to seize their materials.

The huge agri-business industry is pushing hard to keep Americans in the dark about the extreme cruelty that regularly occurs in food production. Whistleblowers on factory farms and in slaughter houses are being criminalized for exposing animal abuse, unsafe working conditions, and environmental problems on industrial farms.

Instead of upholding existing anti-cruelty laws and working to prevent these abuses from occurring, the agribusiness industry has been working to prevent people from finding out about such problems by promoting anti-whistleblower bills by making it illegal.

Check with HSUS on updates on preventing Ag-Gag bills:

Tri-City Voice article by Nancy Lyon, President, Ohlone Humane Society

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A throw-away puppy’s miracle

On March 26, OHS received an urgent call from the Tri-City Animal Shelter. A 5-week-old Chihuahua mix puppy, abandoned in a mall parking lot, had been brought in that was too young to be kept at the shelter. She was in a temporary foster home but only for two more days.

The tiny pup, named Lena, had been examined by a vet and found to be a very special needs baby. Lena had been born with birth defects: one eye was missing and the other only semi-functional plus her skull had not yet completely closed so there was the possibility of neurological damage.

The options were to immediately find the best resource for her needs or put her down. Our first thought was the wonderful BrightHaven Sanctuary in Sebastopol and we reached out to Susan Hoffman, their rescue coordinator. OHS has worked with Susan on a number of special cases and she was Lena’s best and only hope.

We gathered up Lena from the shelter and took her to ACE veterinary hospital in Fremont for additional care. They were to board her for a week or more and OHS would pay all her costs.

This was the first real opportunity we had to get to know Lena...all 1.1 pounds of her. Thankfully, aside from infected ears and an eye that will need care for the rest of her life, her other bodily functions appeared to be working well including her sweet puppy voice. In her darkness, all she wanted was to be held close and comforted, and to give kisses.

Susan posted Lena on the BrightHaven message board and the calls started coming in. This throw-away puppy touched many hearts. Susan carefully screened offers of help and we discussed what would be the best option for Lena to heal and thrive. We agreed the amazing Mia Foundation in Las Vegas that deals exclusively with animals with birth defects was her best chance. Lou Hendon, founder of The Mia Foundation, didn’t hesitate a second and said, "Bring her to us."

Transportation was the next item on the agenda. An attorney on the BrightHaven message board volunteered to use her frequent flyer miles and bring Lena to The Mia Foundation. She was delivered to the attorney in San Francisco and that evening, a tired puppy departed SFO travelling in First Class—sleeping on the attorney's lap the entire flight! Lena arrived in Las Vegas to the welcoming arms of The Mia Foundation...and a new life and name: Meme.

Meme’s foster mom Kim is just crazy about her adorable little charge. She also has a special needs kitty who was born without the upper bones in his front legs; he walks on his elbows (hence, his name "El Bo"). Bo is scared of pretty much everything and everyone and likes to keep to himself. Kim reports that not only did Meme charm him in less than 5 minutes, he was actually PLAYING with her. Our feisty miracle girl is indeed a charmer, described as a happy little monkey SO full of life and the will to live!

Is one little creature with so much working against her worth all the effort? You bet she is!

Special thanks to:
BrightHaven: Center for Animal Rescue and Holistic Education -
The Mia Foundation -
Kim, Meme's foster mom, and Bo

Tri-City Voice article by Nancy Lyon, President, Ohlone Humane Society